
PHP 7.2.5 or later.


  1. Via Composer (Recomended)
composer require chargily/epay-php
  1. Download as ZIP We do not recommend this option. But be careful to download the updated versions every a while Download

Quick start

  1. create config file epay_config.php This is where store your api credentials
//  Configurations file
return [
    'key' => 'your-api-key', // you can you found it on your Dashboard
    'secret' => 'your-api-secret', // you can you found it on your Dashboard
  1. create payment redirection file redirect.php
use Chargily\ePay\Chargily;

require 'path-to-vendor/vendor/autoload.php';

$epay_config = require 'epay_config.php';

$chargily = new Chargily([
    'api_key' => $epay_config['key'],
    'api_secret' => $epay_config['secret'],
    'urls' => [
        'back_url' => "valid-url-to-redirect-after-payment", // this is where client redirected after payment processing
        'webhook_url' => "valid-url-to-receive-payment-informations", // this is where you receive payment informations
    'mode' => 'EDAHABIA', //OR CIB
    //payment details
    'payment' => [
        'number' => 'payment-number-from-your-side', // Payment or order number
        'client_name' => 'client name', // Client name
        'client_email' => '', // This is where client receive payment receipt after confirmation
        'amount' => 75, //this the amount must be greater than or equal 75 
        'discount' => 0, //this is discount percentage between 0 and 99
        'description' => 'payment-description', // this is the payment description

// get redirect url
$redirectUrl = $chargily->getRedirectUrl();
//like :
    header('Location: '.$redirectUrl);
    echo "We cant redirect to your payment now";
  1. create payment processing file process.php

use Chargily\ePay\Chargily;

require 'path-to-vendor/vendor/autoload.php';

$epay_config = require 'epay_config.php';

$chargily = new Chargily([
    'api_key' => $epay_config['key'],
    'api_secret' => $epay_config['secret'],

if ($chargily->checkResponse()) {
    $response = $chargily->getResponseDetails();
    //@ToDo: Validate order status by $response['invoice']['invoice_number']. If it is not already approved, approve it.
    //something else
        $response like the follwing array
            $response = array(
                "invoice" => array(
                            "id" => 5566321,
                            "client" => "Client name",
                            "invoice_number" => "123456789",
                            "due_date" => "2022-01-01 00:00:00",
                            "status" => "paid",
                            "amount" => 75,
                            "fee" => 25,
                            "discount" => 0,
                            "comment" => "Payment description",
                            "tos" => 1,
                            "mode" => "EDAHABIA",
                            "invoice_token" => "randoom_token_here",
                            "due_amount" => 10000,
                            "created_at" => "2022-01-01 06:10:38",
                            "updated_at" => "2022-01-01 06:13:00",
                            "back_url" => "",
                            "new" => 1,

  • Guide for testing your webhook (process) url Click Here


  • Available Configurations
keydescriptionredirect urlprocess url
api_keymust be string given by organizationrequiredrequired
api_secretmust be string given by organizationrequiredrequired
urlsmust be arrayrequirednot required
urls[back_url]must be string and valid urlrequirednot required
urls[process_url]must be string and valid urlrequirednot required
modemust be in CIB,EDAHABIArequirednot required
payment[number]must be string or intrequirednot required
payment[client_name]must be stringrequirednot required
payment[client_email]must be string and valid email This is where client receive payment receipt after confirmationrequirednot required
payment[amount]must be numeric and greather or equal than 75requirednot required
payment[discount]must be numeric and between 0 and 99.99 (discount percentage)requirednot required
payment[description]must be stringrequirednot required
optionsmust be arrayrequirednot required
options[headers]must be arrayrequirednot required
options[timeout]must be numericrequirednot required