Imagine you have an online store, and you’ve added e-payment functionality to it using Chargily Pay. You created an account, obtained the API key, and successfully integrated e-payments into your website.

Now, let’s say you decide to start a new project—a different website to sell digital products. Setting up a new Chargily Pay account for this separate project might not be convenient.

The solution to this challenge is the concept of multiple applications within one account. With this, you can create a single user account and then set up multiple applications. Each application represents a distinct project, website, or business.

It’s essential to note that everything, such as API keys, products, payment history, and wallets, are associated with the specific application and not the user account.

When you create a new user account, a default application named “My new app” is automatically generated for you. You can then edit it or create additional applications as needed.

Editing an application


First Step

Click on the application’s name on the left sidebar. Edit Chargily Pay's application


Second Step

Click on the Edit button next to the application’s name. Edit
Chargily Pay's application

Creating a new application


First Step

Click on the current application’s name on the left sidebar. Create Chargily Pay's application


Second Step

Click on the New application button. Create Chargily Pay's application